TAP Air Portugal Fleet Airbus A319-100 Details and Pictures

TAP Air Portugal Fleet Airbus A319-100 Details and Pictures. On current fleet, TAP Air Portugal operates 21 narrow-body aircraft Airbus A319-100.

The Airbus A319-100 is perfect choice for short and medium trips.

132 seats are divided between the two available classes.

The distribution of the seats is, however, variable.

The Airbus A319 combines generous space with an enviable performance, able to fly 5,700 km.

The A319 has the same optimised cabin cross-section as its fellow A320 Family members (A318, A320 and A321) – which is the widest single-aisle fuselage on the market.

This allows for top-of-the-range comfort with generous seat width, or an extra-wide aisle for fast turnarounds.

Airbus A319 111 TAP Portugal CS TTM Alexandre Herculano at Luxembourg Findel International Airport
Airbus A319 111 TAP Portugal CS TTM Alexandre Herculano at Luxembourg Findel International Airport

Airbus A319-100 TAP Air Portugal Aircraft Fleet Data and Registration Number

Aircraft TypeRegName
Airbus A319-111CS-TTAVieira da Silva
Airbus A319-111CS-TTBGago Coutinho
Airbus A319-111CS-TTCFernando Pessoa
Airbus A319-111CS-TTDAmadeo de Souza-Cardoso
Airbus A319-111CS-TTEFrancisco d’Ollanda
Airbus A319-111CS-TTFCalouste Gulbenkian
Airbus A319-111CS-TTGHumberto Delgado
Airbus A319-111CS-TTHAntonio Sergio
Airbus A319-111CS-TTIEca de Queiros
Airbus A319-111CS-TTJEusébio
Airbus A319-111CS-TTKMiguel Torga
Airbus A319-111CS-TTLAlmeida Garrett
Airbus A319-111CS-TTMAlexandre Herculano
Airbus A319-111CS-TTNCamilo Castelo Branco
Airbus A319-111CS-TTOAntero de Quental
Airbus A319-111CS-TTPJosefa d’Obidos
Airbus A319-112CS-TTRSoares dos Reis
Airbus A319-112CS-TTSGuilhermina Suggia
Airbus A319-112CS-TTUSophia de Mello Breyner
Airbus A319-112CS-TTVAristides de Sousa Mendes
Airbus A319-111F-HBAL

TAP Air Portugal Fleet Airbus A319-100 Cabin Interior Class Configuration and Seats Layout

TAP Air Portugal operates 2 cabin versions of Airbus A319-100.

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TAP Air Portugal flies the A319 in a two class configuration with 8 Business Class seats and 132 Economy Class seats.

The middle seats in Business Class are not sold by TAP Air Portugal to provide additional room in Business Class.

TAP Portugal adjusts the number of Executive Class seats based on demand.

Therefore Executive Class can have as little as no seats and as many as 60, as shown here.

TAP claims to offer a 33 inch business class seat pitch on its entire A319 / A320 / A321 short-haul fleet.

This applies to the first 7-10 rows, depending on aircraft type, so economy passengers in the front of the cabin will also benefit if there is only a small business class section.

This is substantially more attractive than the current British Airways Club Europe pitch of 30 inches.

In the middle and back of the cabin it drops to 30 inches to match BA.

Seat Map and Seating Chart Airbus A319-100 V1 TAP Air Portugal

Seat Map and Seating Chart Airbus A319 100 V1 TAP Air Portugal
Seat Map and Seating Chart Airbus A319 100 V1 TAP Air Portugal

This version of Airbus A319-100 is the most common among two versions operated by TAP Air Portugal.

This airplane offers 140 seats of two classes: executive that corresponds to business class and economy class.

Executive class offers 8 seats that are located in the first 2 rows.

The seats of the business class have 2-2 configuration.

The middle seats are not sold in order to provide additional space to passengers of the business class.

The seats of the 1st row have the following disadvantages: limited space for passengers legs, reduce width, location of the galleys and lavatory in front and lack of floor storage during take-off and landing.

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Economy class may accommodate 132 passengers.

The seats of the economy class are divided into two sections.

First section contains 7 rows of seats that have 3-3 configuration.

Passengers of the seats of the 3rd row will take advantage of extra legroom.

But curtain divider between the economy and business class may be bothersome.

Because of the exit row located behind the seats of the 9th row these seats are less reclining that standard.

Behind the exit row the second section of economy class seats is located.

This section has 15 rows of seats per 6 in each.

The seats of the 10th row are considered the best seats because they offer additional space to passengers’ legs.

However, these seats have no floor storage during take-off and landing.

Lavatories and galley located behind will cause inconvenience to passengers of the seats 23C, 23D and to passengers of the 24th row.

Because of the limited or no recline the seats of the last 24th row are considered bad seats.

Seat Map and Seating Chart Airbus A319-100 V2 TAP Air Portugal

Seat Map and Seating Chart Airbus A319 100 V2 TAP Air Portugal
Seat Map and Seating Chart Airbus A319 100 V2 TAP Air Portugal

This version of Airbus A319-100 may transport 126 passengers.

This airplane may either have only seats of economy class or seats of two classes: executive and economy depending on demand.

So, the airplane may have maximum 60 seats in the executive class.

All the seats of this airplane have 3-3 configuration.

Maximal number of the rows in executive class is 10.

These rows are located in two sections.

First sections contains 8 rows.

The seats of the 1st row have limited space for passengers’ legs and are located close to the galleys and lavatory.

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Due to the exit row located behind the seats of the 8th row are less reclining than standard.

The best seats on this airplane are considered the seats of the 9th row due to extra legroom that these seats offer.

Location of the lavatories and galley behind will cause discomfort to passengers of the seats 21C and 21D and for passengers of the seats of the last 22nd row.

Limited or no recline make the seats 22ABC and 22DEF bad seats.

Airbus A319-100 TAP Air Portugal Aircraft Fleet Inflight Amenities and On-Board Services Information

  • Audio. TAP Portugal offers a variety of audio stations.
    More Information
  • Video. Overhead TVs located throughout the cabin play movies or short films, depending on the length of flight.
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  • Food. TAP Portugal serves complimentary meals, alcoholic beverages, and soft drinks. More Information NOTE: Meals for children between 2-12 years of age should be requested at time of booking.

TAP Air Portugal Aircraft Fleet Narrow-Body Airbus A319-100 Images Gallery

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