Virgin Atlantic Fleet Boeing 747-400 Details and Pictures

Virgin Atlantic Fleet Boeing 747-400 Details and Pictures. On today fleet, Virgin Atlantic operates 8 jumbo jet aircraft “Queen of The Skies” Boeing 747-400.

Like the Airbus A340-600, this Boeing 747-400 also have 4 engines.

Virgin Atlantic B747-400 Jumbo’s consume up to 13% less fuel and make half the engine noise the original 70’s versions used to.

Look out for Tinker Belle, Ladybird, Ruby Tuesday, English Rose, Hot Lips, Jersey Girl, Barbarella and Pretty Woman.

Virgin Atlantic newly refurbished 747-400’s are made up of three classes, split between a main lower deck and a smaller upper deck, with all seats featuring touch screen entertainment.

G VBIG Boeing 747 4Q8 Tinker Belle of Virgin Atlantic at Manchester Airport
G VBIG Boeing 747 4Q8 Tinker Belle of Virgin Atlantic at Manchester Airport

Boeing 747-400 Virgin Atlantic Aircraft Fleet Data and Registration Number

Aircraft TypeRegDeliveredName
Boeing 747-41RG-VAST17 Jun 1997Ladybird
Boeing 747-4Q8G-VBIG10 Jun 1996Tinker Belle
Boeing 747-443G-VGAL26 Apr 2001Jersey Girl
Boeing 747-443G-VLIP15 May 2001Hot Lips
Boeing 747-443G-VROM29 Mar 2012 (29 May 2001)Barbarella
Boeing 747-443G-VROS22 Mar 2001English Rose
Boeing 747-443G-VROY18 Jun 2001Pretty Woman
Boeing 747-41RG-VXLG30 Sep 1998Ruby Tuesday

Virgin Atlantic Fleet Boeing 747-400 Cabin Interior Class Configuration and Seats Layout

The Virgin Atlantic Boeing 747-400 operates in a three class configuration.

Cabins include seating in Upper Class, Premium Economy, and Economy.

Virgin Atlantic’s brand new Panasonic fully touch screen AVOD system JAM, is available in all classes featuring over 300 hours of on demand entertainment.

Virgin Atlantic charges extra for bulkhead, exit row, and other seats which have more legroom. 

The upper class seat, which folds down to create a fully flat bed, was very comfortable nevertheless.

For those looking to sleep, there was a large, soft pillow in a white cotton pillowcase stowed behind the seat, along with a white cotton mattress topper and duvet.

There was a ten-inch entertainment screen which popped out of the side of the seat and was attached to an arm for easy adjustment, along with a handheld remote, in-seat power, a large, sturdy table that slid up and out of the wall, and slots for magazines/headphones (which are provided) and other smaller items.

The seats on the B747-400 are arranged in a herringbone layout allowing for plenty of privacy (each comes in its own shell) and direct aisle access for all passengers.

There is also an ottoman at the end of each seat, which can be used as a footrest or a buddy seat, if you have a friend or colleague who wants to join you for a meal or drink.

In the front section of the main deck there are seven rows (12-19) arranged 1-1, while further back is an additional six rows (20-25) configured 1-2-1.

Upstairs there are another five rows (1-1), along with six rows of economy class.

The plane also has economy and premium economy seats on the main deck.

On the main deck, economy seats are arranged 3-4-3 (A-B-C, D-E-F-G, H-J-K) across rows 39 to 66.

Upper Class seats is from row 12 to 25, while premium economy is 38-37.

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There are four washrooms in the middle of the aircraft with two designated for premium economy and two for economy.

There are more economy toilets in the tail.

Seat Map and Seating Chart Boeing 747-400 Lower Deck Virgin Atlantic LGW

Seat Map and Seating Chart Boeing 747 400 Lower Deck Virgin Atlantic LGW
Seat Map and Seating Chart Boeing 747 400 Lower Deck Virgin Atlantic LGW

First version of Boeing 747-400 is a two-decked airplane that consists of 455 seats of three classes.

The lower deck includes the seats of all three classes.

The upper class may accommodate 14 passengers in 7 rows per 2 flat bed seats in each.

For passengers who are traveling with a companion will be better the seats of the 6th row as they are located to each other closer than other seats of the upper class.

Close location to the bat nay cause some discomfort to passengers of the seats of the 11-12th rows.

Behind the exit row 6 rows of premium economy class seats are located.

Most of them have 2-4-2 configuration.

There are 46 seats here.

Passengers of the seats of the 14th row will take advantage of extra space for their legs.

Other passengers tend to congregate in this area while waiting to use lavatories causing discomfort to passengers of these seats.

Lack of floor storage during take-off and landing is another disadvantage of these seats.

Proximity of the lavatories may represent a problem to passengers of the seats 18GHK and 19G.

Also the seats 18HK are less reclining than standard as they are located in the last row of the cabin.

Economy class seats of the lower deck are located in three sections.

First section consists of 13 rows of seats.

Passengers of the seats of the 25th row will feel comfortable thanks to extra legroom due to exit row located in front.

However, these seats are narrower than standard and are located close to the galley, the noise from which may cause discomfort to passengers of these seats.

Proximity of the lavatory will also cause discomfort to passengers of the seats C and H of the rows 26-29.

Thanks to the bulkhead position the seats 30DEFG offer extra legroom.

Among disadvantages of these seats: reduced width of the seats as the tray tables are built-in the armrests making them immovable and proximity of the galley.

The seats 33A and 33K have misaligned windows.

Due to the exit row located behind, the seats of the 37th row are less reclining.

Close location of the lavatory is another disadvantage of these seats.

The second section of economy class includes 10 rows of seats.

Passengers tend to gather in the area of the seats of the 38th row while waiting to use lavatories.

As the tray tables are in the armrests the width of these seats is reduced.

Due to exit row located in front of these seats, passengers of these seats will feel comfortable thanks to extra space for their legs.

However, the exit doors may protrude inside slightly reducing the legroom space of the seats 38A and 38K.

Virgin Atlantic designates the seats ABC and HJK of the rows 39-43 as preferred seats to reserve which an extra fee should be paid.

These seats have an additional 3 inches of the pitch.

Close location of the lavatories will cause inconvenience to passengers of the seats 39C, 39H and 40DEFG.

The seats 40DEFG offer extra legroom but are narrower than standard.

Noise that is coming from the galleys may represent a problem for passengers of the seats 46C, 46DEFG, 46H and for passengers of the 47th row.

Limited recline is another disadvantage of the seats 46DEFG, 47ABC and 47HJK.

Behind another exit row the third section of economy class seats is located.

The seats 49BC and 49HJ have extra legroom thanks to the exit row located in front.

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However, proximity of the galley and reduced width of these seats may cause discomfort to passengers of all seats of the 49th row.

The exit doors slightly reduces the legroom of the seats 49A and 49K.

Proximity of the galley is also a disadvantage of the C and H seats of the rows 50-52 and of the seats 53DEFG.

Thanks to the bulkhead position the seats 53DEFG have extra legroom.

The tray tables of these seats are in the armrests making them immovable and reducing the width of these seats.

The seat 60K is missing window.

For passengers traveling with companion will be ideal the seats AC and HK of the rows 64-64.

Due to missing windows seats, the seats 64A and 64K have some extra space.

These seats and the seats 64C, 64H are less reclining.

Close location of the lavatories may be bothersome for passengers of the seats 65D and 65G and of the seats of the last 66th row.

Limited recline of the seats 66DEFG makes these seats bad seats.

Seat Map and Seating Chart Boeing 747-400 Upper Deck Virgin Atlantic LGW

Seat Map and Seating Chart Boeing 747 400 Upper Deck Virgin Atlantic LGW
Seat Map and Seating Chart Boeing 747 400 Upper Deck Virgin Atlantic LGW

The upper deck consists of the seats of two classes.

Premium Economy class includes 5 rows of seats that have 2-2 configuration.

All these seats are standard. Only the seats of the 20th rowhave the following disadvantages: close location of the lavatory and reduced width as the tray tables are built-in the armrests making them immovable.

Behind the exit row 6 rows of economy class seats are located.

5 rows of seats have 3-3 configuration and the last row consists of three seats.

The seats of the 75th row are considered good seats as they have extra legroom thanks to the exit row located in front.

However these seats are a little narrower than standard as the tray tables are TVs are in the armrests.

Passengers of the seats 79ABC, 79H and 80HJK may have a more private feel.

Proximity of the stair and limited recline are the main disadvantages of these seats.

Seat Map and Seating Chart Boeing 747-400 Lower Deck Virgin Atlantic LHR

Seat Map and Seating Chart Boeing 747 400 Lower Deck Virgin Atlantic LHR
Seat Map and Seating Chart Boeing 747 400 Lower Deck Virgin Atlantic LHR

This airplane may transport 367 passengers in three classes.

The Upper Class of the lower deck consists of 34 flat bed seats located in two sections.

First section includes 7 rows of seats that have 1-1 configuration.

Passengers of the seats 12A and 12K will enjoy wonderful view out the window and take advantage of some extra storage space.

These seats as well the seats 14A and 14K are perfect for passengers traveling with a partner as these seats are located closer to which other than other seats of this section.

The seats 12A, 12K and 14A, 14K have the same disadvantage such as lack of overhead storage bin.

Galley and lavatories located behind may cause discomfort to passengers of the seats 19A and 19K.

The second section of the upper class has 6 rows of seats: 4 of them have 1-2-1 configuration and 2 rows contain 2 seats each.

The noise coming from the galleys and lavatories may be bothersome for passengers of the seats of the 20th row.

Close location to the bar will cause inconvenience to passengers of the seats 24A, 24K and 25A, 25K.

Premium economy class has 62 standard seats.

The seat 28A has some extra legroom that is slightly reduced by exit door that protrudes inside.

Passengers of the seats 28C and 29HK will take advantage of extra legroom.

Both seats of the 28th row as well as the seats 29HK have the following disadvantages: proximity of the galley, reduced width and also passengers can get cold during the flight by the exits.

All C seats of the premium economy class have less under seat storage space and legroom as entertainment equipment is stored here.

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Noise that is coming from the galley may be bothersome for passengers of the seats 29C, 30C, 30H, 31C, 31H and for passengers of the seats 32DEFG.

The seats 32DEFG offer extra legroom.

However, these seats are narrower than standard as the tray tables are built-in the armrests making them immovable.

Missing windows make the seats 34A and 34K bad seats.

Proximity of the lavatory is the main disadvantage of the seats of the 37th row.

Economy class of the upper deck consists of 2 sections.

First section includes 10 rows of seats.

Passengers of the seats of the 39th row will feel comfortable thanks to extra legroom provided by exit row located in front.

Other passengers tend to gather in this area while waiting to visit lavatories and causing discomfort to passengers of these seats.

Tray tables in the armrests of these seats reduce their width.

The same disadvantages apply to the seats 40DEFG.

Also these seats have no floor storage during take-off and landing.

Passengers with babies are often seated on these seats as they have bassinet locations.

Presence of entertainment equipment under all CDGH seats of the economy class restricts legroom and storage space of these seats.

To reserve the seats ABC, HJK of the rows 40-43 an extra fee should be paid.

Close location to the lavatory may be bothersome for passengers of the seats 40C and 40H.

Proximity of the galley may represent inconvenience to passengers of the seats 46DEFG, 47C, 47H and for passengers of the seats of 48th row.

Limited recline is another disadvantage of 46DEFG, 48ABC and 48HJK.

All seats of the 48th row have limited legroom and storage space because of entertainment equipment stored under these seats.

Behind the exit row the second section of economy class seats is located.

The seats 49BC and 49HJ are located behind the exit row offering extra space for passengers’ legs.

Close location of the galley and reduced width of the seats of the 49th row are the main disadvantages.

Because of the exit door protrusion the legroom of the seats 49A and 49K is limited.

Noise from the galley may also be bothersome for passengers of the CH seats of the rows 50-53.

Passengers traveling with babies are often seated on the seats 54DEFG as they have bassinet location.

These seats are considered good seats as they have extra legroom thanks to the bulkhead position.

However these seats have no floor storage during take-off and landing and their width is reduced as the tray tables are in the armrests making them immovable.

For passengers traveling with a companion will be ideal seats AC and HK of the rows 61-64.

A and K seats of these rows have some extra space due to missing window seats.

Other passengers tend to congregate in the tail of the airplane in order to visit lavatories thus causing discomfort to passengers of the seats 64AC, 64HK, 65D, 65G and 66DEFG.

Also the seats 64AC, 64HJ and 66DEFG are less reclining than standard.

Seat Map and Seating Chart Boeing 747-400 Upper Deck Virgin Atlantic LHR

Seat Map and Seating Chart Boeing 747 400 Upper Deck Virgin Atlantic LHR
Seat Map and Seating Chart Boeing 747 400 Upper Deck Virgin Atlantic LHR

The upper deck has the seats of two classes: the upper class and economy.

There are 10 seats of the upper class here located in 5 rows per 2 seats in each.

The only disadvantage of these seats is small overhead bins and proximity of the lavatories to the seats 1A and 1K.

Passengers prefer the upper deck as it is less crowded and as a result more quiet and has better service.

Economy class has 6 seats with totally 33 seats.

The best seats here are the seats of the 75th row.

Thanks to the exit row located in front these seats have extra legroom.

But the width of these seats is reduced.

The seats 79ABC are less reclining than standard and located close to the stairs.

Proximity of the lavatory and stairs may also represent problem to passengers of the seats 79H and 80HJK.

In addition the seats 80HJKhave limited recline.

Boeing 747-400 Virgin Atlantic Aircraft Fleet Inflight Amenities and On-Board Services Information

  • Audio. A variety of audio programming is available on Virgin Atlantic’s brand new entertainment system JAM.
  • Video. Audio Visual on Demand is available on Virgin Atlantic’s new entertainment system JAM, offering over 300 hours of entertainment.
  • AC Power. AC power ports are available at all Upper Class and Premium Economy seats. There are no AC ports in Economy. 
  • Internet. Virgin Atlantic provides different Wi-Fi packages for purchase. More information
  • Food. Virgin Atlantic offers complimentary meal and bar service aboard all its flights.

Virgin Atlantic Aircraft Fleet Wide-Body Boeing 747-400 Images Gallery

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