Aeroflot Fleet Airbus A321-200 Details and Pictures

Aeroflot Fleet Airbus A321-200 Details and Pictures. Aeroflot Russian Airlines operates 36 narrow-body aircraft Airbus A321-200.

The A321-200 is used primarily on short/medium-haul within Europe.

This aircraft configured with business (recliner seats) and economy class (standard seats).

Airbus A321-200 is the largest variant from A320 family, its based from standard A320-200.

Like every member of the A320 Family, it possesses a wider cabin than any of its competitors; allowing it to offer wider 18-inch wide seats giving passengers a more comfortable flight.

It also offers a wider aisle and plenty of overhead storage space to help passengers board and disembark with minimum fuss, as well as giving cabin crew more space to work.

Aeroflot Airbus A321 211WL VP BEE Ю. Любимов Y. Lyubimov 95 Years Livery at Sheremetyevo International Airport
Aeroflot Airbus A321 211WL VP BEE Ю. Любимов Y. Lyubimov 95 Years Livery at Sheremetyevo International Airport

Airbus A321-200 Aeroflot Aircraft Fleet Data and Registration Number

Aircraft TypeRegName
Airbus A321-211(WL)VP-BAES. Bondarchuk / С. Бондарчук
Airbus A321-211(WL)VP-BAFA. Tarkovsky / А. Тарковский
Airbus A321-211(WL)VP-BAVF. Ushakov / Ф. Ушаков
Airbus A321-211(WL)VP-BAXS. Richter / С. Рихтер
Airbus A321-211(WL)VP-BAYV. Shukshin / В. Шукшин
Airbus A321-211(WL)VP-BAZY. Levitan / Ю. Левитан
Airbus A321-211VP-BDCV. Alekseev / В. Алексеев
Airbus A321-211(WL)VP-BEAA. Schnittke / А. Шнитке
Airbus A321-211(WL)VP-BEEЮ. Любимов / Y. Lyubimov
Airbus A321-211(WL)VP-BEGV. Nemirovich-Danchenko / В. Немирович-Данченко
Airbus A321-211(WL)VP-BESI. Dunayevsky / И. Дунаевский
Airbus A321-211(WL)VP-BEWM. Zoshchenko / М. Зощенко
Airbus A321-211(WL)VP-BFFE. Ryazanov / Э. Рязанов
Airbus A321-211(WL)VP-BFKF. Volkov / Ф. Волков
Airbus A321-211(WL)VP-BFQA. Alexandrov / А. Александров
Airbus A321-211(WL)VP-BFXI. Shishkin / И. Шишкин
Airbus A321-211(WL)VP-BJXI. Goncharov / И. Гончаров
Airbus A321-211(WL)VP-BKID. Ryabushinsky / Д. Рябушинский
Airbus A321-211(WL)VP-BKJV. Nabokov / В. Набоков
Airbus A321-211(WL)VP-BKQD. Mendeleev / Д. Менделеев
Airbus A321-211(WL)VP-BKRS. Rachmaninoff / С. Рахманинов
Airbus A321-211(WL)VP-BKZM.Bernes / М.Бернес
Airbus A321-211VP-BOCS. Mikhalkov / C. Михалкoв
Airbus A321-211VP-BOEG. Vishnevskaya / Г. Вишневская
Airbus A321-211VP-BTGK. Stanislavsky / К. Станиславский
Airbus A321-211(WL)VP-BTHR. Rozhdestvensky / Р. Рождественский
Airbus A321-211(WL)VP-BTKA. Vertinsky / А. Вертинский
Airbus A321-211VP-BTLE. Vakhtangov / Е. Вахтангов
Airbus A321-211VP-BTRS. Diaghilev / С. Дя́гилев
Airbus A321-211VQ-BEAI. Michurin / И. Мичурин
Airbus A321-211VQ-BEDN. Pirogov / Н. Пирогов
Airbus A321-211VQ-BEGK. Tsiolkovsky / К. Циолковский
Airbus A321-211VQ-BOHA. Prokhorov / А. Прохоров
Airbus A321-211VQ-BOIN. Semenov / Н. Семенов
Airbus A321-211(WL)VQ-BTTA. Gomelsky / А. Гомельский
Airbus A321-211(WL)VQ-BTUS. Belov / С. Белов

Aeroflot Fleet Airbus A321-200 Cabin Interior Class Configuration and Seats Layout

Aeroflot operates two cabin version of Airbus A321-200.

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First version Airbus A321-200 features 170 seats in a 2-class configuration.

Business Class is rows 1-7 and Economy Class is rows 8-31.

There are Space+ seats in rows 8, 19, and 20 that offer additional legroom in Economy Class.

Second version Airbus A321-200 features 183 seats in a 2-class configuration.

Business Class is rows 1-3 and Economy Class is rows 4-39.

There are Space+ seats in rows 11 and 23 that offer additional legroom in Economy Class.

Space+ seats may be selected for an additional fee at check-in.

Aeroflot Airbus A321-200 Specification Details

Aircraft type:Short- & medium-haul passenger aircraft
Length (m):44,5
Wing span (m):35,8
Cabin configuration (passengers):28C+ 142Y
16C+ 167Y
Max. take-off weight (tons):89
Type of engine:2 jet engines
Cruising speed (km/h):830
Max. altitude (km):12,1
Maximum flight range (km):3800
Aircraft names:I. Mitchurin, N. Pirogov, K. Tsiolkovsky, A. Prokhorov, N. Semenov, V. Alexseev, D. Mendeleev, S. Mikhalkov, G. Vishnevskaya, K. Stanislavsky, Ye. Vakhtangov, S. Diaghilev, I. Goncharov, M. Zoschenko, D. Ryabushinsky, S. Bondarchuk, F. Ushakov, S. Richter, A. Tarkovsky, V. Shukshin, V. Nemirovich-Danchenko, Y. Levitan, I. Dunayevsky, Y. Lyubimov, E. Ryazanov, A. Alexandrov, F. Volkov, I. Shishkin, S. Rachmaninoff, M. Bernes, R. Rozhdestvensky, A. Schnittke, V. Nabokov, A. Vertinsky, A. Gomelsky, S. Belov

Seat Map and Seating Chart Airbus A321-200 Aeroflot

Narrowbody aircraft Airbus A321-200 (321) Aeroflot aircraft with 2 cabin classes: economy, Business.

Below you will find an interactive seat map of the aircraft cabin with marked drawbacks and features.

This seating chart will help you to find the best seats on the aircraft.

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Seat Map and Seating Chart Airbus A321 200 Aeroflot
Seat Map and Seating Chart Airbus A321 200 Aeroflot


Pitch76 – 81 sm
Width46 sm
Rows8 – 31
Seats142 – 167
Descriptionstandard seats


Pitch97 sm
Width53 sm
Rows1 – 7
Seats16 – 28
Descriptionrecliner seats with 18 degrees recline

Airbus A321-200 Aeroflot Aircraft Fleet Inflight Amenities and On-Board Services Information

  • Audio. Passengers have the choice of several music channels. In Business Class, passengers have additional music options via the DigEPlayer handheld devices provided.
  • Video. DigEplayer handheld devices are given in Business Class which feature 70 foreign and domestic movies and TV programs.
  • AC Power. AC power outlets are available in both Business and Economy Class.
  • Food. Depending on the route, departure time, and flight duration, you may be served a hot breakfast, snack, lunch, or dinner.

Aeroflot Aircraft Fleet Narrow-Body Airbus A321-200 Images Gallery

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