Cathay Pacific Fleet Airbus A330-300 Details and Pictures

Cathay Pacific Fleet Airbus A330-300 Details and Pictures. On current fleet, Cathay Pacific operated 33 wide-body aircraft Airbus A330-300 to serves domestic and international flights.

Cathay Pacific configured their Airbus A330-300 on 3 different cabin layout.

First cabin configuration is 2 class for international flights (33E).

Second cabin is 3 class for International flights (33K).

And third cabin configuration is 2 class for domestic flights (33P).

Airbus A330 343X Cathay Pacific Airways B HLT landing at Taoyuan Taipei Taiwan International Chiang Kai Shek
Airbus A330 343X Cathay Pacific Airways B HLT landing at Taoyuan Taipei Taiwan International Chiang Kai Shek

Airbus A330-300 Cathay Pacific Aircraft Fleet Data and Registration Number

Aircraft TypeRegDeliveredPrev. Reg
Airbus A330-300B-HLDNov 1997
(Jun 1995)
Airbus A330-300B-HLFOct 1997
(Nov 1995)
Airbus A330-300B-HLHOct 1997
(Jan 1996)
Airbus A330-300B-HLMFeb 2001F-WWYT
Airbus A330-300B-HLNFeb 2001F-WWYV
Airbus A330-300B-HLOMar 2001F-WWYY
Airbus A330-300B-HLPAug 2001F-WWKV
Airbus A330-300B-HLQAug 2001F-WWYB
Airbus A330-300B-HLRSep 2001F-WWYC
Airbus A330-300B-HLSOct 2001F-WWYD
Airbus A330-300B-HLTNov 2001F-WWYJ
Airbus A330-300B-HLUSep 2003F-WWYG
Airbus A330-300B-HLVSep 2003F-WWYI
Airbus A330-300B-HLWDec 2003F-WWYR
Airbus A330-300B-LACJul 2005F-WWYC
Airbus A330-300B-LADAug 2006F-WWKI
Airbus A330-300B-LAEJul 2007F-WWKQ
Airbus A330-300B-LAFAug 2007F-WWYC
Airbus A330-300B-LAJOct 2010F-WWKR
Airbus A330-300B-LAKFeb 2011F-WWYD
Airbus A330-300B-LALMay 2011F-WWYC
Airbus A330-300B-LAMJul 2011F-WWKL
Airbus A330-300B-LANFeb 2012F-WWYE
Airbus A330-300B-LAOJun 2012F-WWKR
Airbus A330-300B-LAPSep 2012F-WWCH
Airbus A330-300B-LAQOct 2012F-WWCO
Airbus A330-300B-LARNov 2012F-WWKG
Airbus A330-300B-LAXDec 2012F-WWKO
Airbus A330-300B-LAZFeb 2013F-WWYS
Airbus A330-300B-LBAApr 2013F-WWTV
Airbus A330-300B-LBBJul 2013F-WWCV
Airbus A330-300B-LBCAug 2013F-WWKN
Airbus A330-300B-LBJApr 2015F-WWYA

Cathay Pacific Fleet Airbus A330-300 Cabin Interior Class Configuration and Seats Layout

Cathay Pacific configured Airbus A330-300 with 3 different cabin layout configuration.

The configuration is (33E) Two class V1, (33K) Three class, and (33P) Two class V2 New Regional.

Cathay Pacific uses the Zodiac, now Safran, Cirrus reverse herringbone seats in 1-2-1 layout split across two cabins: 28 in the front cabin and 11 behind the second aircraft door.

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The middle seats angle towards each other and lack a privacy panel.

However, the seats are positioned back far enough that you cannot see your neighbor unless you lean forward.

Window seats face towards the windows where you’ll have 2 windows to look out.

The ottoman and footwell are quite large for a A330 business class seat and it has a footrest on the floor in front.

It misses out on a storage space under the ottoman like you would find on a Super Diamond reverse herringbone seat.

An open storage bin alongside the window has a pocket to hold a water bottle.

Seat Map and Seating Chart Airbus A330-300 Cathay Pacific (33E) Two Class V1

Seat Map and Seating Chart Airbus A330 300 Cathay Pacific 33E Two Class V1
Seat Map and Seating Chart Airbus A330 300 Cathay Pacific 33E Two Class V1

First version of Cathay Pacific Airbus A330-300 (33E) may accommodate 262 passengers in two classes: business and economy.

Business class contains 39 angle-flat seats.

Most of them have 1-2-1 configuration and are located in two sections.

First section consists of 7 rows.

The noise from the galleys and lavatories will cause discomfort to passengers of the seats of the 11th row.

Passengers with babies are often seated on the seats 11A and 11K as they offer bassinet locations.

Proximity of the galleys may also represent a problem to passengers of the seats 18A and 18K.

Behind the exit row the second section of business class seats is located.

It contains 11 seats.

All these seats are standard.

The only disadvantage of the seat 19G is proximity of the lavatory.

Economy class may transport 223 passengers in two sections.

First section has 12 rows of seats.

There are totally 94 standard seats here.

The best seats in this section are considered the seats of the 39th row as they have extra legroom provided by bulkhead position.

However, these seats have no floor storage during take-off and landing.

For passengers with infants these seats have bassinet locations.

Other passengers tend to congregate in the area of the seats 49HK, 50AB and 50DEFG while waiting to use lavatories and thus causing discomfort to passengers of these seats.

The second section of economy class seats is located behind the exit row.

Passengers of the seats of the 59th row will take advantage of extra legroom.

The seats 59DEFG have bassinet locations.

The main disadvantage of these seats is close location of the lavatories.

The other seats, i.e. the seats 59AC and 59HK are considered good seats as they have extra space for passengers’ legs thanks to the exit row located in front.

An extra fee may be paid to reserve these seats.

As there is no seat behind, the seat 70G is often bumped by other passengers and crew members passing by.

Proximity of the galleys may be bothersome for passengers of the seats 74C and of the seats of the last 75th row.

The seats of the 75th row are considered bad seats.

CX A330-300 (33E) Seating Plan Arrangement

This plane has 4 sections, with 2 Business class sections at the front of the plane followed by 2 Economy class sections.

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Toilet suitable for passengers with reduced mobility is located at the end of the front-most Business class section.

Emergency exit row and extra-legroom seats are located at the end of the front-most Economy class section.

In Business class, there are toilets and galleys in each section and baby bassinet seats are at rows 11A and 11K.

In Economy class, toilets are at the end of the first section.

Galleys are at the end of the last section. Baby bassinet seats are located at the first row of each section.

Seat Map and Seating Chart Airbus A330-300 Cathay Pacific (33K) Three class

Seat Map and Seating Chart Airbus A330 300 Cathay Pacific 33K Three class
Seat Map and Seating Chart Airbus A330 300 Cathay Pacific 33K Three class

Three class version of Airbus A330-300 is the most common in the Cathay Pacific fleet.

This airplane may transport 251 passengers: 39 in business class, 21 in premium economy class and 191 in the economy class.

Business class consists of flat bed seats that have 180 degree recline.

The main disadvantage of the seats of the 11th row is proximity of the galleys and lavatories.

For passengers traveling with infants the seats 11A and 11K have bassinets.

The noise coming from the galleys will cause discomfort to passengers of the seats of the 18th row.

The second section of business class seats consists of 11 seats.

Close location of the lavatory will cause discomfort to passengers of the seat 19G.

Behind business class seats 3 rows of premium economy class seats are located.

These seats have 2-3-2 configuration.

The seats of the 30th row have no floor storage during take-off and landing.

Economy class seats are located in two sections.

Most of them have 3-4-2 configuration.

First section includes 8 rows of seats.

Passengers with babies are often seated on the seats 39DEFG as they have bassinet locations.

Because of the bulkhead position the seats of the 39th row may have limited legroom.

Lack of floor storage during take-off and landing is another disadvantage of these seats.

Close location to the lavatories will represent problem for passengers of the seats 45G, 45HK and for passengers of the seats of the 46th row.

Behind the exit row the second section of economy class seats is located.

For passengers traveling with babies the seats 59DEFG have bassinet locations.

Also these seats have restricted legroom because of the bulkhead position, are narrower than standard as the tray tables are built-in the armrests making them immovable, have no floor storage during take-off and landing and are located close to the lavatories.

As to the other seats of the 59th row, i.e. the seats 59AC and 59HK they offer extra space for passengers’ legs die to the exit row located in front.

However, the disadvantages are the same: reduced width of the seats, lack of floor storage during take-off and landing and proximity of the lavatories.

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due to missing seat behind, the seat 70G is often bumped by other passengers passing by.

The seats 74HK and the seats of the 75th row are considered bad seats whose proximity to the galleys is one of the main disadvantages.

CX A330-300 (33K) Seating Plan Arrangement

This plane has 5 sections, with 2 Business class sections at the front of the plane followed by a Premium Economy class section and 2 Economy class sections.

Toilet suitable for passengers with reduced mobility is at the end of the front-most Business class section.

Emergency exit row and extra-legroom seats are located at the end of the front-most Economy class section.

In Business class, there are toilets and galleys in each section and baby bassinet seats are at rows 11A and 11K.

In Premium Economy class, baby bassinet seats are at row 30. In Economy class, toilets are in the end of the first section.

Galleys are at the end of the last section.

Baby bassinet seats are located at the first row of each section.

Seat Map and Seating Chart Airbus A330-300 Cathay Pacific (33P) Two class V2 New Regional

Seat Map and Seating Chart Airbus A330 300 Cathay Pacific 33P Two class V2 New Regional
Seat Map and Seating Chart Airbus A330 300 Cathay Pacific 33P Two class V2 New Regional

The last version of Airbus A330-300 as well as the first one offers seats of two classes: business and economy.

The difference is that this airplane has more seats in economy class and less seats in business class than in the first version.

Business class consists of 24 recliner seats located in 4 rows per 6 seats in each.

All these seats are standard only proximity of the galleys and lavatories may cause discomfort to passengers of the seats of the 11th row.

Economy class may accommodate 293 passengers on the standard seats that are divided into three sections.

First section has 27 seats.

The seats of the 39th row and the seats 40DEFG are considered good seats as they have extra legroom.

But these seats have no floor storage during take-off and landing.

Limited recline and close location of the galley are the main disadvantages of the seats of the 42nd row.

The second section of economy class seats is located behind the exit row and consists of 17 rows of seats that have 2-4-2 configuration.

Passengers of the seats of the 43rd row will feel comfortable thanks to extra legroom.

However close location of the lavatory and galley may cause discomfort.

For passengers with infants the seats 43 AC and 43HK offer bassinets.

The seats of the 59th row are less reclining than standard.

Proximity of the lavatories is another disadvantage.

The third section of economy class seats has 17 rows.

Due to position of the bulkhead the seats of the 60th row offer extra space for passengers’ legs.

At the same time other passengers tend to congregate in the area of these seats while waiting to use lavatories and causing discomfort to passengers of these seats.

Passengers traveling with babies are often seated on the seats 60DEFG.

Due to missing seats behind, other passengers and crew members tend to bump into the seats 71D and 71G.

Close location of the galley will cause inconvenience to passengers of the seats 75C, 75HK and to passengers of the seats of the 76th row.

CX A330-300 (33P) Seating Plan Arrangement

This plane has 4 sections, with a Business class section at the front of the plane followed by 3 Economy class sections.

Toilet suitable for passengers with reduced mobility is located at the end of the front-most Economy class section.

Emergency exit row and extra-legroom seats are located at the end of the second Economy class section.

In Business class, toilets and galleys are at the front and baby bassinet seats are at row 11.

In Economy class, toilets are at the end of the second section and galleys are at the front and end of the Economy class section.

Baby bassinet seats at the first row of the second and the last section.

Airbus A330-300 Cathay Pacific Aircraft Fleet Inflight Amenities Information

  • Audio. Audio on Demand service is offered to all passengers on long-haul aircraft. Passengers may choose from up to 888 CD albums in 24 different genres. Audio books are also available. Click here for more information.
  • Video. In all classes, more than 100 movies are offered each month on the AVOD (Audio/Video On Demand) system. Click here for more information.
  • AC Power. Each seat in Business Class has a 110V AC power port. Premium Economy and Economy Class passengers may have to share a power port with adjacent seats.
  • Food. On long-haul flights, complimentary meal and beverage service is offered in all classes. Cathay serves Chinese inspired food. Click here for more information.

Cathay Pacific Aircraft Fleet Wide-Body Airbus A330-300 Images Gallery

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